The Compound Wellingborough

Training Using Core Strength. We Run Classes for Kids and Adults of All Abilities

Mentoring and Intervention Service

Calisthenics is a form of gymnastics which connects the mind to the body. It is the facilitator of happiness:

Connect with

Community is a central part of calisthenics, it brings people together, largely as it is a non-competitive sport.

Take care of
your body

Your body is designed to move and calisthenics releases endorphins – happy hormones


Calisthenics enables you to focus on you, and concentrate on what you are doing, occupying your brain and body.

Keep learning

There is the opportunity to explore your physical potential, calisthenics provides endless opportunities to try new movements benefiting from both the physical and mental perspectives


it allows for goal setting and maintaining focus and what is to be achieved.


enables the experience of setbacks and developing resilience – allowing you to learn about yourself and your ability to overcome obstacles.


focus is on what the body can do rather than what the body looks like.

Mentoring for Life:

Stage 1 – Preparation and Engagement

  • Developing powerful connections.
  • Putting the young person at the centre by getting to know the young person and emphasising that this partnership is about them.
  • Developing trust and confidence in the mentoring relationship.
  • Focussing on their interests, their skills and talents.
  • Using their interests, skills and talents to engage with them and as development tools. Link these in with developing their own life skills and life views.
  • Share life experiences and life journeys and the lessons these have given.
  • A brief intro to calisthenics – basic exercises.
  • Using lots of praise and encouragement.

Stage 2 – Physical and Mental Wellbeing

  • Use calisthenics to engage with the young person further, building their self-esteem, confidence and providing them with discipline and focus.
  • Ongoing use of mentor’s life experience to show they have options and can make positive choices and develop hope and want for a positive future.
  • Discussions around why certain behaviours might be presented.
  • Discussions around potential consequences of behaviour and actions.
  • Linking into referral routes with partners to support what they want out of life.

Stage 3 – Action Planning

  • How we can change behaviour.
  • Set personal actions / small achievable goals.
  • Review/ monitor progress.
  • Linking into referral routes with partners to support what they want out of life.

Stage 4 – Group Support

  • Peer support and discussion topic of the day plus actions and consequences session.
  • Develop group workout plan to encourage team working.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Develop self-managing behaviour within the group, individual and group responsibility.

Music for Expression

  • Use music and writing to tell my life story.
  • Use music to encourage young people to interact.
  • Music can be something young people can relate to.
  • Encourage young people to positively express themselves through music.
  • Use mentor’s music videos to engage with young people to show that people can have a variety in their lives and more than one option.